Are non-alcoholic alternatives having their moment?

Carlos Franco
2 min readOct 9, 2022
Image Copyright© Carlos Franco, 2022, 2023. All rights reserved. Pictured brand trademarks are the intellectual property of their respective owners.

>It’s Technical

By Carlos Franco—October 8, 2022

Twitter: @itstechnical_cf | Glasp: @CarlosCFranco | Web: CarlosFranco.Bio

In the summer of 2016, a little known seltzer burst on to the social scene, and less than five years later, it was “the fourth largest beer company in the United States(1).” Could non-alcohol alternatives be riding those coattails and mainstreaming sober socializing?

Why it matters

Popular books such as Anne Grace’s This Naked Mind and hashtags such as #sobercurious are finding a foothold on newer social media platforms such as TikTok and gaining traction among Millennials and GenZ.

  • Products featuring ingredients like: adaptogens, botanics, nootropics, and other compounds are starting to find their way onto store shelves and subscription services(2).
  • Terms like mocktail and shrubs have been in the English lexicon for a long time, but are being revived as buzzwords like drinking vinegar and zero-proof cocktail on menus at high-end restaurants.
  • Social events and challenges like Sober October, Dry January, and 30 days sober are finding strength in the collective resolve of family members and friend groups(3).

As a result

More people are opting out of hangovers and potential DUIs by changing what’s in their glass for an evening out.

  • Makers of these beverages are starting subscription services and partnering with online grocers like Thrive Market to satisfy the thirst of the imbibers of these new drinks.
  • Affiliate programs and discounts for these products are starting to make switching your poison easier to swallow (I’m sorry, I had to).

While these alcohol-free alternatives may not have the meteoric rise that White Claw had in the summer of 2018, they may find their way to a barbecue or game night near you.

Further reading

  1. Your Guide To Adaptogens (
  2. The 14 Best Nootropics and Smart Drugs Reviewed (
  3. 10+ Alcohol Alternatives If You Want To Relax Without The Hangover (
  4. 12 of the Best Non-Alcoholic Spirits for Building a Sober Bar (

References +3



Carlos Franco

Freelance technical writer with an advanced degree and 10+ years of experience in patient education.